The brief
Complete a Marketing Audit to discover if the Crumpet tea house can improve retail sales and improve its speciality tea and coffee sales.
To carry out consumer research amongst customers to understand why they go to Crumpet, what they think of the food and drink and the ambiance of the tea house. Also to discover what role the website plays with both the in-tea-house experience and the speciality retail sales side.
Carried out 50 in depth face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of customers and then carried out desk research into speciality tea and coffee retailers to compare their strategies with those of Crumpet’s offering.
We put together full strategic marketing recommendations for what we discovered were the two quite distinct sides of the Crumpet business, with recommendations for how each should develop its sales with a view to expansion and a positioning for each. The consumer insight was that whilst top quality tea, coffee and snack food was key to customer loyalty, the young Mother friendly layout and welcome afforded by Crumpet was the single biggest reason Crumpet was doing OK. Positive word of mouth about this oasis for Mums was key to its success.
The speciality teas, coffees, jams, etc business was almost a separate business that offered real online growth opportunities.
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